The time has come for all of Medical -Medicare recipients to choose their health plan . No longer not taking any action will solve that issue. If you did not take a decision , the Agencies in charge of your health insurances will decide for you . by now you should have received the first letter ( dated 3/14 ) that explain in general what changes are coming and what needs to be done . The 90 days notice :
By 4/14 you have received your second letter which already signed into Cal Medi-connect program effective 7/1/2014 . This is your 60 days notice .You do have to take an action if you do not agree to that plan.
early 5/14 they have send you a light blue color package including two books along with Health plan choice form .
You do need to take an action as soon as possible .
- light blue package ( which includes two books including the sign up form )
- LA-Choicebook
Also in 5/14 you might have received a 30 days notice ( which will confirm your final choice ) .
hope you have received and read those and responded in timely manner .
soon we will have a workshops to explain this process .
please do not listen to all rummer out there. A lot of sales people will call you and knock on your door .please do not give any personal information over the phone or sign any form without knowing what are you signing for , even if it is at the doctor office . Always have a trusted community member or a family member read those materials first .
Remember you do have the power to decide what health plan will serve your needs . after all it is your Health on line .
we will explain other option in the CalMediConnect in later time and we will give our point of view for .
we will update this web on daily base on the information that gets released by different agencies and your comments and inputs which is always greatly appreciated . After all we are a community/family .
our sincere apologies if we steps on few toes now or in the future ( which we are sure that we will ) , after all our main goal is to provide our elders with options and resources to ensure that they get the accurate and correct information ( so they can make an informed choices ) , receives services and cares that they are entitled to and it is medical necessity and have a tool to express their complains and grievances in case is warrant and ensure that agencies in charge of their health and public servants pay a sincere attentions to the elders .