In this section will provide :
1-simplified health/mental diseases information .
2-resources and support group links.
3- Prescribed and over the counter medicines use and over use and abuse .
4-understanding full scope of services provided by your health insurance .
5-asking your health and health insurance providers the right questions .
6-safety at home ( falls , fire and others ) .
7- compliance with medicinal regiments and safety . understanding how to live with unfortunate health/mental issues and proper use of medicine ( most of us as patient and health provider have a medicine for any complain without exploring the source of that symptoms or trying other approaches ) . The myth of magic pill .
8-obtaining and organizing a health record ( lab. report , diagnostic report , medication list , allergies ,surgical histories and others ) . since most health providers do not share the same data base ( unless you receive your services in a such as USC or kaiser ) .
9- understanding the aging process and how to deal with that ( mentally and physically ) and understanding an aging parent(s) and how to deal with them without getting over whelmed and using available resources in the community .
10-protecting your self against scams ( financial and medical ). Just because they speak your own language , have the same faith and pretend that care it doesn’t mean that they will not use you .Your health insurance is the most valuable asset in your life , especially as you get old , please do not abused and let other abuse it ( report if you have to ) .